Volunteering At Kairos!

Want to be on the Kairos team? We would love to have you on board!

So much happens every year at Kairos, and so much of it relies on our amazing volunteers. If you’d like to get involved with anything from admin to catering to craft workshops - please read the following information carefully.

As Kairos Team we value…

1. Our personal and everyday relationship with Jesus

2. Jesus’ love and grace shining through us by the power of the Holy Spirit

3. Openness to being guided by the Holy Spirit

4. Prayer – both in our personal lives and together as a team

5. Discipleship

6. Integrity

7. Unity

8. Teamwork

9. Mutual respect

10. Being culturally relevant

As Kairos Team we commit to…

1. A growing love for Jesus evidenced in regular personal and corporate worship, prayer and Bible study

2. Serving others and having our status firmly embedded in Jesus and not in title, power, authority or privilege

3. Being honest and open in our relationships with a willingness to address issues with love and with the best interests of others at heart

4. Supporting and praying for Kairos

5. Responding openly and positively to feedback

6. Avoiding talking behind people’s back and challenging unacceptable behaviour

7. Continually learning from past experience

8. Giving our best in our role

Our practical responsibilities…

1. To clearly demonstrate accountability

2. To meet all reasonable deadlines

3. To turn up on time

4. To let people know if you are unable to turn up or if you are going to be late

5. To respect other people’s belongings

6. To return borrowed goods promptly

7. To pass on messages when asked

8. To return calls/emails promptly and courteously

9. To stick to the Safe from Harm guidelines

10. To help maintain the safety and cleanliness of the site

Our volunteer registration forms and procedure are currently being worked on for Kairos 2025. Please check back soon for more information!